“Don't touch my hair. When it's the feelings I wear. Don't touch my soul
When it's the rhythm I know. Don't touch my crown… You know this hair is my shit. Rolled the rod, I gave it time. But this here is mine.” -SOLANGE


This here. Be yours. 

Bomboms - berets - rods - beads - bonnets - and silk scarves.

Bantu knots - blondies - buzz cuts - top knots - bobs - twists - locs - wet-sets - and finger waves

Buns - slick ponytails - bouffants and baby hair - edges - and yo’ kitchen - from 1A - 4C

This here, be yours.

This, be yours.

Side parts - dookie braids - cornrows  and afros

Naturals - perms - a grease press - nappy- textured - Jheri curls

Thick - thin - and balding - soft and flowing - or shaved on the right side

This here. Be yours.

Having your scalp greased between yo momma's knees 

Hot combs on the stove 

Weekend wash days 

This here be yours. This here be ours.

Our coming-of-age story. 

Our hair song is a chant of our feminine cultural bond.

Keep singing your kinky melody in a rebellious rhythm.

Framing the glory of your face with your good-good hair. 

This here be yours

-love collins

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